Dear Maple Hill Jr/Sr High School Students, Parents and Guardians,
Earlier this year, the New York State Board of Regents asked the federal Department of Education for a waiver to allow the state to cancel federally required Regents examinations. The federal Education Department announced that it was not approving waivers, but it was giving states more flexibility for this year’s tests and waiving all accountability requirements.
See below for more information regarding Regents Exams, Final Exams and the end-of-year schedule.
REGENTS EXAMS (grades 9-12 and grade 8 accelerated)
The New York State Education Department has canceled all but four Regents exams, which are federally required, including:
- English Language Arts – June 17
- Living Environment – June 22
- Algebra I – June 23
- Earth Science – June 24
Students enrolled in any of these courses are not required to take the exam. Students who are enrolled in these classes and earn a passing grade will automatically receive an “EX” designation on their transcript. If a student chooses to take one of the exams, they may do so. Students who choose to take an exam will have the option of having their numeric score placed on their transcript, or they may choose to have an “EX” instead.
In order for the District to plan for these exams, parents are being asked to fill out a survey, which can be found here, indicating if the student will be taking an exam by Thursday, May 27. This will help ensure that we have adequate space for students while adhering to physical distancing requirements due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
FINAL EXAMS (grades 7-12)
Students who have a passing grade, calculated using an average of their four quarter grades and midterm examination, will be exempt from final exams. Students will have the option of taking their final exam if they wish to do so. These students should inform their teachers of their intent to take the exam by May 27.
Students who have not passed their class with their four quarter and midterm exam cumulative average will be required to take a final exam. At the 4th quarter progress report date (May 14) it will be determined which students are in danger of failing courses. These students will be notified.
Final exams are scheduled for Wednesday, June 16, and Wednesday, June 23. Transportation will be provided for students in need.
END OF YEAR SCHEDULE (grades 6-12)
Classes will be held through June 24, which will be a half-day for students in grades 6-12. There will be no school for students in grades 6-12 on Friday, June 25. Please note that this is only for grades 6-12. The elementary school will be in-session on June 25.
Grade level advisors are planning activities for all students that do not already have scheduled events, such as the juniors and seniors having prom. 6th, 8th and 12th grades will have culminating events. All other grade level events will be held during the school day within cohorts. More information will be communicated as plans are finalized. Stay tuned.