Schodack Food Services Contact

Tom McNay, Director of Dining Services

Rebecca Zerrahn, Lunch Coordinator
518-732-2297 Ext. 2319
-Contact Ms. Zerrahn with questions about student meal accounts and meal modification requests

Free Breakfast & Lunch for All Students

All students enrolled in Schodack Central School District can receive a free breakfast and lunch meal every school day. This is because the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) has expanded access to the federal Community Eligibility Provision (CEP). Families do not have to complete a form or sign up student(s) to receive free meals at school. See more details and guidelines here.

Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) Household Income Eligibility Form

While all Schodack students can receive free school meals, families are still encouraged to complete the Community Eligibility Provision Income Eligibility Form (formerly known as the Free and Reduced Meal Application) for the 2024-2025 School Year.

Depending on your income and family size you may qualify for fee reductions (AP/SAT exams, instrument rental, etc.) and other benefits (P-EBT payments, reduced internet costs, reduced Amazon Prime membership). This information is also vital in ensuring the district receives essential New York State and federal funding. The CEP Household Income Eligibility Form is available below.

Breakfast & Lunch Menus

January 2025 Menus

Monthly breakfast and lunch menus for both Castleton Elementary and Maple Hill Jr./Sr. High School can be found above and at the following link:

The link above will take you to the FD MealPlanner website. Once there, you can find Schodack’s breakfast and lunch menus by entering “Schodack” into the search bar. If you need assistance, please refer to the FD MealPlanner User Guide here.

District Food Services Provider

The Schodack Central School District food service provider is Whitsons School Nutrition, a division of Whitsons Culinary Group.

For more information about Whitsons School Nutrition, view their brochure here and watch a short video here.

Meal Modification Requests

Meal modifications may be made on a case-by-case basis for medical or special dietary needs. See the Meal Modification Request Form and Plan here for more information and requirements. Completed request forms can be mailed to:

Schodack Central School District
Rebecca Zerrahn, Lunch Coordinator
1477 South Schodack Road
Castleton-on-Hudson, NY 12033

District Wellness Policy

Schodack Central School District is committed to providing a school environment that promotes and protects children’s health, well-being, and ability to learn by supporting healthy eating and physical activity. View the Schodack Central School District Wellness Policy here.

Refilling & Checking Your Student’s Cafeteria Account

My School Bucks The Simple Way to Pay

You can put money into your student’s cafeteria account at any time using ( You will need their Student ID number, which is available on the Parent Portal or by calling your school’s main office. 

Students use a 4-digit PIN at the cafeteria register to make food purchases using the money in their accounts or cash is also accepted. If your student qualifies for Free and Reduced Meals, they can receive one free breakfast meal and one free lunch meal per day. Additional food/drink items (ex. snack bar, snack milk/juice) outside of those meals are not free and student accounts will be charged for them.

If you would prefer to put money in their account in a different way, you can also send in cash or a check to your school’s main office. Please make checks payable to “SCSD” and include your student’s 4-digit meal account PIN.