The Castleton Elementary School Holiday Bazaar takes place during the school day on Tuesday, December 12 – Wednesday, December 13, 2023! This is an event where students can shop and purchase holiday gifts for their loved ones for only 25 cents per item.

Volunteering for the Holiday Bazaar

Parents/guardians, grandparents and community members can volunteer for the Holiday Bazaar to help set up beforehand, assist during it or help clean up afterward.

Volunteers are especially needed to help clean up on Thursday, December 14, and Friday, December 15. Time slots to volunteer are available at the Sign Up Genius link below. Thank you in advance to any who can help out!

Volunteer for the Holiday Bazaar on Sign Up Genius here. 

Preparing Your Student for the Holiday Bazaar

Students should bring in a list of up to 4 adult family members and all siblings, a quarter for each person on their list and a reusable grocery bag to bring home their items. Students can be sent with dollar bills but please try not to send anything larger than a $5 bill.

Students can choose gifts from expansive donation tables and experience the joy of giving during the holiday season! Please help your students figure out who they would like to buy gifts for ahead of time. There is a limit of up to 4 adults that each student can shop for.

Donations for the Holiday Bazaar

Additional donations are always needed for kids and men (dads, grandfathers, uncles, etc). Donated items for men in the past have included sports memorabilia, ornaments, picture frames, flashlights, small tools, mugs, cups, phone accessories, men’s jewelry, etc. Donations can be sent in immediately in your child’s backpack or dropped off at Castleton Elementary during the day.


Please contact Amy Beaudoin ( if you have questions.