How We Communicate Weather-Related Delays and Closures
If the district needs to close or delay the start of the school day because of the weather, the announcement will be made using the following outlets:
- Automated text message and email alerts to all students’ primary contacts.
- The district website:
- The district’s social media (Facebook and Twitter)
- Local television & radio stations.
In some inclement weather situations, the district’s ability to send and your ability to receive automated messages may be impacted by power outages. Please check all the above outlets for weather closing and delays in the chance this occurs.
If you believe you should have received an automated email/text message from the district when there was a delay or closing, please contact your school’s main office to ensure your student’s Emergency Contact Information is up to date.
Schedules on Days with Weather-Related Delays and Closures
Maple Hill
2-Hour & 1-Hour Delays
Delay bell schedules for Maple Hill are available on the website at:
Castleton Elementary
2-Hour Delay
Arrival Time: 9:55 AM
1-Hour Delay
Arrival Time: 8:55 AM
BOCES Programs
If Schodack Central Schools are delayed, Schodack transportation will not be provided for AM CTE programs and will run as usual for PM CTE programs. If the Robert H. Gibson Technical Center (formerly Rensselaer Educational Center) has a 2-Hour Delay, AM CTE programs and New Visions programs will be canceled.
Coaches will contact student-athletes directly if practices/games are impacted by inclement weather. Changes in athletics scheduling due to weather will also be posted on the Maple Hill Athletics Twitter account.