Maple Hill Picture Retake Day for grade 7-11 students is Wednesday, November 8, 2023!
Students who were absent for the original picture day, are newly enrolled or those unhappy with their original picture can participate.
Absentees & New Students
- If you pre-ordered for the original picture day but your student was not photographed, the order will transfer to the makeup day session, no further action is needed.
- New cash/check orders should be given to the photographer on picture day. Order forms are available in the main office.
- Online orders may be placed after the personalized proof sheet has been received (approximately 2-3 weeks after picture day). The original picture day code is expired.
Can’t wait for the new proof sheet? 7-10 days after picture day visit the Upstate Images website at and enter your student’s personalized online code. In most cases the Personalized Online Code = X (the first letter of the School name) + your student’s school ID number – for example: X12345.
If you do not know or have access to the student ID number, please wait for your proof sheet or an email/text notification from Upstate Images, please do not call the school.
Any student may have their photograph retaken on November 8. To receive a new photo package, the entire original package (and envelope) needs to be returned to the photographer on picture day. Upstate Images cannot exchange your order with the retake picture until the original order has been returned.
For families that ordered a digital download only, Upstate Images will see that a digital download was originally ordered and a replacement download will be sent if a new photo is taken.
It’s helpful to the photographer if you include a note with the original pictures stating why you’ve requested a retake so they can do their best to deliver a satisfactory retake picture.
Contact Upstate Images by phone with any questions at 855-773-3321.