Dear Schodack Families,

It is so great to see our students back, all together, this year. We would also like to welcome several new families to the district. We are happy to have you as a part of our Schodack family and community and we look forward to getting to know all of you.

The Schodack Central School District is very fortunate to live in such a generous community that truly cares about our school and its students. As a result of the generosity we receive every year, our school is able to support families in need. We wanted to make you aware of a couple of programs that we offer. Please know that these programs are confidential.

  • Food Backpack Program Our school has been selected as a site for the BackPack child nutrition program by the Regional Food Bank. This allows any student and their families with food insecurities to take a backpack full of food home with them on the weekends and breaks. Backpacks will begin to be sent home the week of October 9th and will continue through late Spring.
  • Holiday Giving Program – The holidays can put a strain, financially, on families. This program allows families to supplement their gift-giving to their children. Wish lists are made (typically 2-3 items) and faculty/staff/community members donate these wish list items. You also have an opportunity to request a free turkey for Thanksgiving. This program will begin in mid-November.

If you are interested in having your child(ren) participate in one or both of these programs, please reach out to either of us, the School Social Workers. Our contact information is listed below. We look forward to working with you.

Michelle Stilson – Maple Hill JR/SR HS (Grades 7-12)      
Phone: 518-732-7701 x1108 

Jennifer Sober – Castleton Elementary (Grades K-6)
Phone: 518-732-7755 x3445