Please see the following message from Superintendent Chevrier.
All 2021-2022 school COVID-19 updates can be found on the district’s 2021-2022 Reopening & COVID-19 Updates page here.
Dear Schodack Families,
I hope you have all been enjoying this holiday weekend and that many of you were able to gather with your loved ones to celebrate it.
I look forward to welcoming students back when classes resume tomorrow (November 29) but I also want to quickly check in with you before that. Last year’s holiday season was likely very different for many of us with far less travel and many of us not gathering with extended family.
That will not be the case for most this year and many will have had long overdue family holiday gatherings this weekend and over the next month. I am very happy for any families who were able to do that this weekend but I also ask you not to let your guard down as we return to school this week.
Please be extra vigilant in monitoring your children for any symptoms this week and in the coming weeks. While this is the season for the common cold, please do not assume that is all it is and send your child into school with even minor symptoms. For the good of the Schodack school community, please connect with your family doctor and consult with them about the possible need to have your student tested before they return to school.
Any students or staff who test positive have a ripple effect and the holiday season is not yet over. Future positive cases in the coming weeks will not only affect the day-to-day schooling of other students but will also likely impact other families’ planned holiday gatherings still to come. With a bit of normalcy now returning to it, I ask for your assistance in making the rest of this holiday season the best and safest one possible for all our students, families and staff.
As always I appreciate your patience and collaboration to keep Schodack schools a safe place to learn.
Jason M. Chevrier
Schodack Central School District