Congratulations to the grade 7-12 students selected as the Students of the Quarter for the 1st Quarter of 2021-2022!
7th Grade – Jessica Wiley
8th Grade – Carlye Probst
9th Grade – Sophia Germaine
10th Grade – Jordan Linscott
11th Grade – Grace Barrington
12th Grade – Lukas McIntosh
To recognize the achievements of its students, Maple Hill Jr./Sr. High School presents Student of the Quarter Awards at the end of each quarter of the school year. Students may be nominated for this award by any staff member, a representative of a community organization, a parent or another student. Students may be nominated for a single outstanding achievement, for service to the school or community or for significant improvement in school. Each quarter one student in each grade, 7-12, is selected for this award by a faculty committee after a review of all nominations.
Jessica Wiley, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Michael Wiley, was nominated for being a helpful, kind, and active participant in class. She is very responsible, always turns in work on time, the quality of her work is excellent, an overall great student. Here at Maple Hill, Jessica participates in the Recycling Club, reading club, builders club, and art club along with helping with the next issue of the school newspaper. Jessica is undecided on her after graduation goals but would like to go to school to be an English or social studies teacher, or possibly for archaeology.
Carlye Probst, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Probst, was nominated for demonstrating great academic effort this quarter. Carlye maintains a positive attitude and is not afraid to ask for help when she needs it. Carlye plays basketball and is active in her church community. Carlye enjoys Math because her teacher makes learning fun. Carlye would like to pursue a career as an administrative assistant after high school.
Sophia Germaine, daughter of Ms. Laura Perrin, was nominated for being an excellent student who makes sure to ask for help when she needs it. She is a pleasure to have in class and a great peer role model. Outside of school, Sophia dances ballet, tap, jazz, hip hop, contemporary, and point. Sophia also teaches dance ballet, tap and jazz to younger dance students. After high school, Sophia wants to go to NYU to study dance and would like to dance professionally and eventually open her own dance studio.
Jordan Linscott, daughter of Mr. Don Hamm and Ms. Suzanne Tolomeo, was nominated for being extremely enthusiastic about Biology material and always has interesting facts to share with the class. She has been diligent about completing her assignments and works well with her peers. Jordan participates in the art club and works on the literary magazine and plans to join the ski club. She also enjoys picking herbs and collecting rocks to make crafts. After high school, Jordan wants to go to college in Kansas then move to Florida to become a veterinarian and someday open her own veterinary clinic for exotic animals.
Grace Barrington, daughter of Ms. Helen Barrington, was nominated for being an excellent student who comes to class prepared and is always willing to participate. She brings excellent conversation to the classroom. Grace is a member of GSA and will be joining the yearbook club. She likes working on creative projects and learning about world history. After graduation, Grace wants to go to college to become a high school business teacher or elementary school teacher.
Lukas McIntosh, son of Mr. and Mrs. Elliott McIntosh, was nominated for showing he cares about his studies by always demonstrating engagement in his course content. He has integrity and consistently demonstrates respect and responsibility. Lukas is on the cross-country team, indoor track, and outdoor track and field team. He also works at Subway. After graduation, Lukas is planning on going to college in Plattsburgh and running cross country and getting his degree in computer security.