Teachers at the Jr/Sr High School will hold office hours on Wednesdays at the times listed below. Google meet/hangout codes will be posted for students.

Students should utilize this time like they would have used advisory or after school in a traditional school year. This is a good opportunity to ask questions, clarify directions and check in with teachers. There may be additional times offered 7:20-7:50 a.m. on other weekdays for teachers to be available, but those should be by appointment.



Mrs. Kerner

Mr. Lauterbach

Mrs. Brasie

Mrs. Fink

Mr. Hanrahan

Mrs. Warner

Mr. Larkin

Mrs. Balogh

Mrs. Archer

Mr. Ryan

Mr. Frese

Mr. Bacon

Mrs. Colwell

Mr. Bachus

Mrs. Bergman-Caulkins

Mrs.. Obie

Mrs. Sweet

Mr. Flach

Mrs. Griner(Hiller)

Mrs. Gonzalez-Barone

Mrs. Racz

Mrs. Fowler

Mr. Austin

Mr. Mastracy

Mr. FInney

Mr. Hunter

Mr. Smith


Ms. Smith


Mrs. Loszynski

Ms. Chaney

Mrs. Feinberg

Ms. Castle


Mrs. Gold

Mr. Segarra

Mrs. Krug

Mrs. Squier

Mr. Silver

Mrs. Seymour

Through Calendar Sign Up link:

Mrs. McGann

Mr. Porter