2022 School Tax Collection
When should I expect my tax bill in the mail?
Your tax bill will be mailed on or around Sept. 1, 2022.
When is the tax collection period?
The tax collection period for this year is Sept. 1 to Sept. 30, without payment of a penalty. Payments made from Oct. 1 to Oct. 31 will have a 2% penalty.
Where can I pay my taxes?
Payments should be mailed to:
Shawn Masters, Receiver of Taxes
PO Box 436
East Schodack, NY 12063
Taxpayers wishing to pay their taxes in person may do so at:
Schodack Town Hall
265 Schuurman Road
Castleton, NY 12033
- September – Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. and Saturday, Sept. 21 and Saturday Sept. 28 from 9:00 a.m. to noon
- October – Wednesdays from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. and Thursday, Oct. 31 from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Payments may also be left in the secure green drop box located by the entrance to the Town Hall. Address payments to Katherine Lubbers. The complete bill must be enclosed to receive a receipt.
What is the school code for income tax purposes?
Can I pay my tax bill in installments?
No. Your tax bill must be paid in full, within the determined 30-day tax collection period, to avoid payment of a penalty.
Can I pay my tax bill using a credit card?
Yes. Credit cards can be used to pay your tax bill. Acceptable methods of payment are cash, credit card, personal check, bankers check, or money order.
Will I be charged a fee if I pay my taxes late?
Yes. Tax bills paid between Oct. 1 and Oct. 31 are subject to a penalty of 2 percent. Taxpayers paying after Nov. 1 need to contact the county in which they reside.
Rensselaer County Bureau of Finance – 518-270-2754
Columbia County Treasurer’s Office – 518-828-0513
Where can I pay my tax bill after the tax collection period ends?
No taxes will be accepted by the tax receiver by mail or in person after Oct. 31. In November, any unpaid school taxes and penalties are turned over to the Rensselaer County Bureau of Finance/Columbia County Treasurer and are subject to additional penalties.
What should I do if I find an error or missing exemption on my tax bill?
If the error relates to the property assessment or exemption amounts, please contact the town assessor first at 518-477-7932.
Where can I view my tax bills from previous years?
Tax bills can be viewed online here.
Tax Levy
What is the tax levy?
The tax levy is the total amount of money needed to be raised from local taxes to fund the Schodack Central School District budget after state aid and other revenue sources are taken into account.
Tax Rates
Is the tax rate the same as the tax levy?
No, the tax rate differs from the tax levy, and several factors go into determining the tax rate. In calculating the tax rate, the tax levy is divided between the two towns located within the Schodack Central School District using state formulas. These formulas take into account full values, assessed values and equalization rates, all of which are used to determine the tax rate.
Who determines the assessed value of my property?
Each town has an assessor who is responsible for determining the assessed values for properties within that town. Questions regarding town equalization rates and individual property assessments should be addressed directly to your town assessor. The phone number of the office of the assessor for each town is listed below.
- Schodack – 518-477-7932
- Stuyvesant – 518-758-6248
What is Full Value?
The full value (also called market value) is what your property would sell for under normal conditions. For residential properties, your assessor generally determines market values by comparing your property with similar properties that have sold in similar neighborhoods, giving consideration to other factors possibly affecting market value.
What is Assessed Value?
The assessed value is the assessor’s opinion of your parcel’s current market value (full value) multiplied by the uniform percentage of value used in your town. Assessed values are used along with the tax rate to compute the tax due for a particular property, before exemptions.
What is an Equalization Rate?
Equalization rates are determined by the State and represent the overall ratio of a municipality’s total assessed value to the municipality’s total property market value.
Equalization rates are used in apportioning property taxes among municipal segments of school districts. In order for a school district to fairly distribute its property tax levy, the levy needs to be divided in proportion to the total market value of each municipality or municipal segment. This allows for an equitable distribution of taxes based upon the market value of each municipality.