Schodack CSD Families,
We wanted to let you know that earlier today (November 28) we held unannounced lockdown drills in all three district buildings. Each building’s drill today lasted approximately 25-30 minutes. All New York State Schools are required by law to hold these safety drills annually to ensure students and employees are prepared in the event of a threat inside their buildings.
Today was the second of four lockdown drills we are required to hold this school year. The first was held on October 30 and we gave a few days notice since it was the first drill held since the swatting incidents last March. Today’s drill was unannounced and the remaining two drills this year will also be unannounced. Traditionally the drills are unannounced to better assess how prepared everyone is should a real emergency take place.
For anyone unfamiliar with how these drills work, we announce over the PA system that a lockdown drill has begun. Everyone in the building then follows the lockdown protocols of remaining quiet and out of sight. Police officers go around the building during that time to inspect how well each building is following protocols and to take note of what, if anything, could be improved.
We thank the Town of Schodack Police Department and New York State Police for their assistance with today’s drills as well as our students and employees for their cooperation during them.