Update: Grade 9-12 students/families planning to attend the August 24 Clay Trap Shooting Team Information Night should please park in either the Maple Hill Student Parking Lot or in the back parking lot by the athletic fields. Maple Hill’s Main Parking Lot is still undergoing construction at this time.

Originally Posted: August 9, 2023

Introducing Maple Hill Sr. High School’s newest extracurricular activity, the Clay Trap Shooting Team! It will start shortly after the beginning of the school year and is for students in grades 9-12. Interested students are invited to attend the information night on Thursday, August 24. We are also seeking an interested community member to act as the co-advisor for the club. More information is available below.

Information Night on August 24

If you and your grade 9-12 student want to learn more, you are invited to attend the Clay Trap Shooting Team Information Night on Thursday, August 24. It starts at 6:00 PM in the Maple Hill Auditorium. The team is a competitive extracurricular activity where students use firearms in a controlled environment to participate in the sport of clay trap shooting. Clay targets are launched into the air from a designated “trap,” and participants aim to hit as many as possible while following strict safety protocols. The team fosters teamwork, sportsmanship, and firearm safety education while providing students with an opportunity to develop their shooting skills and compete against other schools/teams in organized tournaments.

 Hiring for Team Co-Advisor

Currently, the team has one advisor – Schodack faculty member, Daniel Bentley – but one additional advisor is still needed. The co-advisor must have a background in firearm safety and be willing to take an online certification course. If you are interested in acting as a co-advisor alongside Mr. Bentley, please visit our Employment page here. The application deadline is Friday, August 18.


If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to Mr. Bentley via email (dbentley@schodack.k12.ny.us).


Maple Hill Trap Team Informational Night Flyer