Dear Kindergarten Families and Families New to CES,

At the start of each new school year, Castleton Elementary hosts a coffee hour on the first two days of classes for parents of kindergartners and parents of students new to CES.

You are invited to this year’s Kindergarten and New Parents Coffee Hour next Thursday (September 7) and Friday (September 8). It runs from 9:00 AM-10:00 AM in the CES Cafeteria on both dates.

Drop in for a bit or for the whole hour to join me, Assistant Principal Kara Likar and other CES staff for coffee and conversation. Just remember to please bring your driver’s license with you for signing in at our main office.

We look forward to welcoming all of your students to CES next week and seeing those of you who can make it to coffee hour!


James L. Derby
Castleton Elementary School