Originally Posted: February 6, 2023
Castleton Elementary School Families,
If your student wants to participate in the PTO’s K-6 Lip Sync event on April 21, you must first submit song choices and groups to the PTO this month (February).
What Is the Lip Sync?
The PTO Lip Sync is a just for fun event open to all CES students. Groups of 3 or more students perform a simple dance or act to the song of their choice. Lip Sync songs are first come first serve and must be approved by the PTO. Props are allowed in Lip Sync performances and mixed K-6 grade level groups are also allowed.
How to Sign Up and Submit Songs
Sign-up is allowed through the month of February but in-person sign-up/music drop-off is this Wednesday (February 8) in the CES Cafeteria from 6:00-7:00 PM. Dropping off your song choices and group information this Wednesday means you are more likely to get your first song choice and gives more time for your student’s group to practice.
If planning to sign up this Wednesday, please bring the completed form below to the CES Cafeteria during the above time. Additionally, please email your student’s first song choice to Amanda Smith at smithparent@yahoo.com
Castleton Elementary PTO Lip Sync Information & Sign-Up Form
If you have any questions about the Lip Sync event, reach out to Amanda Smith at smithparent@yahoo.com