Schodack CSD Families,
With the first big snowstorm of the winter on the horizon, many school districts in the area are preparing for a snow day tomorrow, Thursday, December 17.
Please know that the Schodack Central School District will not be participating in the New York State Education Department’s snow day pilot program, which was announced earlier this year. This one-year pilot program gives school districts the option of pivoting to remote instruction on days in which inclement weather conditions would result in a school closure.
With so many changes happening for our students this year, we would like to keep a sense of normalcy for them and honor the childhood traditions that snow days bring. Instead of finding Chromebooks and chargers, we hope that our students will get out their boots and sleds during snow days this winter.
As a reminder, please be sure to check the District website, visit our social media platforms (Facebook and Twitter), and be on the lookout for phone notifications which will make you aware of any school closures. Based on the impending forecast, Schodack CSD will be closed tomorrow, December 17, 2020. Please be safe in the inclement weather.