
Welcome to our 2020 Virtual Back to School Nights! Please see this introduction video from Principal Derby and Assistant Principal Rosher. Below you will find links to virtual meetings with individual teachers, grouped by Wednesday, Sept. 30 (Grades K-3) and Thursday, Oct. 1 (Grades 4-6). Thank you for participating, we hope you have a great night!

For videos from Special Area Teachers and Related Service Providers, scroll to the bottom of each day.



Kindergarten: Mrs. Carlson/Mrs. Macri

OR Join by Phone

(US) +1 337-435-0839 PIN: 855 385 296#

Kindergarten: Mrs. Cook

OR Join by Phone

(US) +1 402-744-0154 PIN: 200 520 169#

Kindergarten: Mrs. Pryde

OR Join by phone (‪US‬)‪+1 470-765-8940‬

PIN: ‪256 591 689#‬

Kindergarten Remote: Ms. Lant

OR Join by Phone

(US) +1 669-241-0813 PIN: 108 371 779#

K-2 Class: Mrs. Slavova/Ms. Proulx

OR Join by Phone

(US) +1 262-422-6114 PIN: 652 987 104#

1st Grade: Ms. Ciampoli/Mrs. Seres

OR Join by phone

(US) +1 302-440-5663‬ PIN: ‪330 187 797‬#

1st Grade: Mrs. Golden

OR Join by phone

‪(US) +1 530-636-6720‬ PIN: ‪604 971 655‬#

1st Grade: Mrs. Kosinski

OR Join by Phone

(US) +1 715-869-6802 PIN: 230 480 186‬#

1st Grade Remote: Ms. Lant

OR Join by Phone

(US) +1 601-851-1158 PIN: 840 986 014#

2nd Grade: Mrs. Dingman

OR Join by Phone

(US) +1 518-490-9782‬ PIN: ‪942 075 778‬#

2nd Grade: Mrs. Segarra

OR Join by Phone

‪(US) +1 401-592-7266‬ PIN: ‪305 536 526‬#

2nd Grade: Mrs. Puccio/Mrs. Nolan

‪OR Join by phone

(US) +1 413-659-6753‬ PIN: ‪326 795 682‬#

2nd Grade Remote: Mrs. Donato

OR Join by Phone

(US) +1 361-360-8449 PIN: 333 486 918#

3rd Grade: Mrs. DeMassio

OR Join by Phone

(US) +1 978-572-0254 PIN: 880 525 357#

3rd Grade: Mrs. Silva/ Mrs. Hanna

OR Join by Phone

(US) +1 386-456-4584 PIN: 497 784 327#

3rd Grade: Mrs. Yager

OR Join by phone

(US) +1 978-730-5751‬ PIN: ‪991 899 507‬#

3rd Grade Remote: Mrs. Donato

OR Join by Phone

(US) +1 347-486-6857 PIN: 871 363 730#

Physical Education: Eric Biehler, Tracy D’Amico and April Smith

Art: Janel Gregoire

Music: Tina Gibney

Band/Music: Adam Streeter

Counseling Corner:  Jen Sober, Tara O’Grady-Day, Lauren Friedfel, Jamie Colloton(PT)

Speech Language Pathologist: Stacy Herron

ENL: Amy Race

Library: Stacey Rattner


THURSDAY, OCTOBER 1 – 6:00 p.m.

Link to Mr. Derby and Mrs. Rosher’s Welcome Message


Grade 4

Parents will follow the schedule based on the student’s homeroom teacher:

Mrs. Charsky’s Homeroom:

6:00 – 6:25:

 Mrs. Charsky’s homeroom meet with Mrs. Charsky 

OR Join by phone 304-519-0476  PIN 732 388 720#

6:30pm – 6:45pm

Mr. Charsky’s homeroom meet with Mr. Charlebois 

OR Join by Phone (US) +1 414-792-9041‬ PIN: ‪773 908 590‬#


6:50pm – 7:05pm:

Mrs. Charsky’s homeroom meet with Mrs. Roe 

OR Join by phone (US) +1 561-449-8946‬ PIN: ‪792 853 670‬#

Mrs. Roe’s Homeroom:

6:00 – 6:25:

 Mrs. Roe’s homeroom meet with Mrs. Roe

OR Join by phone (US) +1 567-281-8076‬ PIN: ‪722 170 168‬#

6:30pm – 6:45pm

Mrs. Roe’s homeroom meet with Mrs. Charsky

OR Join by phone (US) +1 567-281-8076‬ PIN: ‪722 170 168‬#

6:50pm – 7:05pm:

Mrs. Roe’s homeroom meet with Mr. Charlebois

OR Join by Phone (US) +1 251-616-8560‬ PIN: ‪781 923 949‬#

Mr. Charlebois’ Homeroom

6:00 – 6:25:

Mr. Charlebois’ homeroom meet with Mr. Charlebois

OR Join by Phone (US) +1 484-784-6529‬ PIN: ‪423 760 366‬#

6:30pm – 6:45pm

Mr. Charlebois’ homeroom meet with Mrs. Roe

OR Join by phone (US) +1 812-727-3130‬ PIN: ‪265 026 868‬#

6:50pm – 7:05pm:

Mr. Charlebois’ homeroom meet with Mrs. Charsky

OR Join by Phone (US) +1 484-784-6529‬ PIN: ‪423 760 366‬#

Grade 5

Mrs. Bourdeau’s Homeroom

Or Join by Phone (‪US‬)‪+1 701-566-9473‬ PIN: ‪216 615 349#‬


Miss Hernandez’s (Mrs. Martin) Homeroom

OR Join by phone (US) +1 401-285-4829‬ PIN: ‪426 672 042‬#

Mr. Morse/ Mrs. Clesceri’s Homeroom

OR Join by phone (US) +1 402-744-0334‬  PIN: ‪776 923 868‬#

Grade 6

All Homerooms (Mrs. Hirschoff, Mrs. Marchese, Mrs. Streeter/Ms. Burkins)

OR Join by phone (US) +1 315-992-6182‬ PIN: ‪511 177 977‬#

Grades 4-6 Remote Only

Mrs. Mullahy and Mrs. Reed

OR Join by Phone (‪US‬)‪+1 347-305-8758‬ PIN: ‪456 294 621#‬

Physical Education: Eric Biehler, Tracy D’Amico and April Smith

Art: Janel Gregoire

Music: Tina Gibney

Band/Music: Adam Streeter

Counseling Corner:  Jen Sober, Tara O’Grady-Day, Lauren Friedfel, Jamie Colloton(PT)

Speech Language Pathologist: Stacy Herron

ENL: Amy Race

Library: Stacey Rattner