Schodack CSD Grades 3-8 Families,
Last year the New York State Education Department transitioned its annual Grades 3-8 Assessments to fully computer-based testing (CBT). To help prepare our students new to taking some of these CBT assessments, we have scheduled the following CBT simulation assessments for grades 3, 5 and 8. No other grade levels will be taking CBT simulations:
Grade 8 Science: Tuesday, January 21 and Wednesday, January 22
Grade 3 ELA and Math: Tuesday, January 21 and Thursday, January 23
Grade 5 Science: Wednesday, January 22
Each simulation will consist of 5-10 questions and should take no more than 40 minutes. These simulations will help test district technology and prepare students for the real assessments. Students will not be taking real assessments on these dates.
Grade 8 students should bring fully charged Chromebooks to school on January 21-22. Grades 3 and 5 students will already have their Chromebooks at school.
2025 New York State Grades 3-8 Assessment Schedule
For your reference, Schodack’s New York State Grades 3-8 State Assessments Schedule for Spring 2025 is available below. All of the following will be computer-based.
Grades 5 and 8 Science Assessments: Wednesday, April 23
Grades 3-8 ELA Assessments: Tuesday, April 29 and Wednesday, April 30
Grades 3-8 Mathematics Assessments: Tuesday, May 6 and Wednesday, May 7