Castleton Elementary School’s “Souper” Bowl Spirit Week is Monday, February 3 – Friday, February 7, 2025! Spirit Week and the “Souper” Bowl are sponsored by the CES K-Kids

“Souper” Bowl Donations & Voting for the Super Bowl

The CES K-Kids will collect canned soup for the Schodack CSD Backpack Program all week. For every can of soup brought in, you can vote on which team (Kansas City Chiefs or Philadelphia Eagles) will win the real Super Bowl on Sunday, February 9.

“Souper” Bowl Spirit Week Themes

  • Monday (February 3): Dress Like Your Favorite Character! Movie, book, TV show, athlete, musician, be creative!
  • Tuesday (February 4): Color Wars! Show your grade level pride by wearing your assembly shirt or the color below and anything else to kick it up a notch. Have fun with it!
    • Kindergarten: Yellow
    • 1st Grade: Purple
    • 2nd Grade: Orange
    • 3rd Grade: Green
    • 4th Grade: Red
    • 5th Grade: Blue
    • 6th Grade: Blackout or Coffee Color
  • Wednesday (February 5): Pajama Day
  • Thursday (February 6): Wildcat Pride! Wear your Wildcat gear or red and blue.
  • Friday (February 7): Jersey/Sport Shirt Day! Wear your favorite sports shirt or jersey.
Send In Your Spirt Week Pics!

If you would like to share your pictures from “Souper” Bowl Spirit Week for posting on the district’s social media, email them to with the day’s theme as the email subject!

*Kiwanis K-Kids is a student-led service organization for Castleton Elementary School grade 5-6 students. The local Kiwanis Club of Castleton serves as the K-Kids club sponsor.