Please see below for some important reminders for kindergarten families about the start of the 2024-2025 School Year.
Kindergarten Bus Safety Day
All incoming kindergarten families are invited to Kindergarten Bus Safety Day at Castleton Elementary School at 1:00 PM on Wednesday, September 4, 2024. This annual event is an opportunity for kindergartners to get more comfortable before their first day of school by riding the school bus, meeting with their teachers and visiting their classrooms. If you and your kindergartner plan to attend, please bring your school supplies with you since you will be able to leave them in their classroom for the first day of school!
Staggered Start Dates for Kindergarten
A reminder that Castleton Elementary has staggered start dates for kindergarten. Some students’ first day will be Thursday, September 5, and others will start on Friday, September 6. Families have been informed of their start date, but if you need a reminder just reach out to the CES Main Office by phone at 518-732-7755.