Castleton Elementary School Student Council is hosting a Spirit Week from Monday, May 13 – Friday, May 17, 2024! See the daily themes below and share your pictures with us if you will be participating in Spirit Week!

Spirit Week Themes Schedule

  • Monday (May 13): Pajama Day
  • Tuesday (May 14):  Class Colors Day – Wear your CES t-shirt or your class color
  • Wednesday (May 15): Book or Movie Character Day – Dress like your favorite character from a book or movie
  • Thursday (May 16): Beach Day – Wear beachy/tropical clothes (no bathing suits, please!)
  • Friday (May 17): Future Day – Dress as the job you would like to have when you grow up

Share Your Spirt Week Pics!

If you would like to share your Spirit Week pictures for posting on the district’s social media, send them to with the day’s theme as the email subject!