Please see the following message from Superintendent Chevrier.
All 2021-2022 school COVID-19 updates can be found on the district’s 2021-2022 Reopening & COVID-19 Updates page here.
Today (December 7) the district was notified that an individual at Castleton Elementary had tested positive for COVID-19. We have been working with the Rensselaer County Department and based on the circumstances of this case, there is no need to conduct contact tracing.
While we understand many would like additional details when there is a positive case, due to privacy laws we cannot release any further identifiable information about the affected individuals.
A reminder that while we are not requiring daily health screenings this year, we ask you to please remember to monitor your student every morning before school for any COVID-19 symptoms (a list of which can be found here). If your child displays any COVID-19 symptoms, please keep them at home and contact your family doctor for further guidance.
Additionally, please remember the following if your own student or someone in your household tests positive:
- In the event someone in your household tests positive for COVID-19, contact your school and inform them of the positive case
- Keep everyone in the household at home until you hear from the Rensselaer County Health Department.
It is crucial that our schools, families and county health department continue working together to keep each other safe.
Jason M. Chevrier
Schodack Central School District