As September winds down, it’s a good opportunity to remind Maple Hill families of a few important Health Office procedures in effect this year:


  • Any student who will be absent or leaving early due to illness, a doctor’s appointment or other medically related reasons must contact Nurse Croft by email ( or phone (518/732-7701 option 1) and let her know.
  • If a student is absent due to illness, a doctor’s note must be provided to the Health Office before they can return to school
  • Student’s awaiting COVID-19 test results or being evaluated for COVID-19 may not return to school until test results are known and have a doctor’s note clearing them to return.
    • If a student is awaiting COVID test results due to having COVID symptoms we ask that their unvaccinated school-age siblings also stay home until the test results are known.
  • Students experiencing any of the following symptoms must stay home from school and be evaluated by a doctor. There’s a wide range of COVID-19 symptoms, ranging from very mild to severe and they can take anywhere between 2-14 days after exposure to appear. Symptoms can include:
    • Fever/chills, Cough, Shortness of breath/difficulty breathing, Fatigue, Muscle/body aches, Headache, New loss of taste or smell, Sore throat, Congestion/runny nose, Nausea/vomiting, Diarrhea