In an effort to recognize outstanding achievements of our students, Maple Hill Jr./Sr. High School presents each quarter a Student of the Quarter Award. Students may be nominated for this award by any staff member, a representative of a community organization, a parent or another student. Students may be nominated for a single outstanding achievement, for service to the school or community or for significant improvement in school. Each Quarter one student in each grade, 7-12, is selected for this award by a faculty committee after a review of all nominations. For the fourth quarter of 2020/2021 the students selected to receive this recognition are:
- 7th – Bruce Brandow, Ariana Urba
- 8th – Austin Prest, Michael VanDeWal
- Freshman – Jacob Fish, Ashlyn Urba
- Sophomore – Keith Barnum, Colby Frazier
- Junior – Shaylyn Rossetti, David O’Brien
- Senior – Pooja Fitzsimmons, Alexis Tedford
Bruce, son of Mr. and Mrs. Mark Brandow, was nominated for working hard all year. He never misses an assignment, he is always eager to learn and has a great sense of humor. Here at Maple Hill, Bruce played JV soccer and modified soccer, was a member of band and is hoping to join some clubs next year. Bruce’s graduation goals are that he hopes to go to college and would like to play baseball at the collegiate level. He is still trying to decide what he wants to do when he is older.
Ariana, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Urba, was nominated for working hard since day one of this school year. She volunteers every class, asks questions when she is confused, and completes her work on time. Ari competes in barrel racing outside of school with two horses that she leases that are named Pippy and JoJo. Ari’s graduation goal is she plans to go to college but is still undecided on what she hopes to study.
Austin, son of Mr. Michael Prest and Ms. Marley Prest, was nominated for always coming to class with a positive attitude. He is polite and respectful to his peers. Here at Maple Hill, Austin plays modified basketball and is hoping to play varsity tennis. He has been a member of chorus and hopes to rejoin next year. Austin’s graduation goal is he plans to go to college and is interested in studying within the field of technology.
Michael, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jason VanDeWal, was nominated for being a motivated Spanish student who quietly takes in new material and is one of the first to try to use that learning in new and creative ways. Here at Maple Hill, Michael has been a member of the technology club and international club and he plans to join some clubs next year. Michael’s graduation goal is to own a farm and raise chickens and sheep.
Jacob, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jeremy Fish, was nominated for being a very kind and caring young adult. He is very polite to all of the teachers and students that he works with. Here at Maple Hill, Jacob is a member of Key Club, and has played JV basketball and JV soccer. Jacob’s graduation goal is to go to a four year college but is undecided on what he wants to study.
Ashlyn, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Urba, was nominated for being a conscientious student who shows that she cares about her learning. She is always engaged in the context of her courses and participates in class to share her insight on the discussion topics. Here at Maple Hill, Ashlyn is a member of book club, and plays JV volleyball. Ashlyn’s graduation goal it to go to college and study veterinary medicine. She hopes to attend Tufts University. Keith, son of Mr. Allan Barnum, was nominated for working very hard this year. He is motivated and thriving, gets his work done on time and actively participates in class. Here at Maple Hill, Keith used to be a member of chorus and band. Outside of school he is a BMX rider and competes in races. Keith’s graduation goal is to attend college and wants to go into the medical field.
Colby, son of Mr. James Frazier and Ms. Kimberly Frazier, was nominated for having an outstanding year. He meets deadlines, has great attention to detail which produces quality work, and he is engage in class and is a key contributor to discussions and debates. Here at Maple Hill, Colby is a member of JV soccer and basketball teams and Varsity baseball. Colby’s graduation goal is to attend college but he is still undecided about where he would like to go and what he would like to study.
Shaylyn, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mark Rossetti, was nominated for being a student who works diligently to understand new material and takes the initiative to seek support when needed. Her ability to work as an integral and enthusiastic part of team activities in class adds so much to class dynamics. Here at Maple Hill, Shaylyn is President of GSA, a member of newspaper club and Key Club along with playing Varsity tennis. Shaylyn’s graduation goal is to attend college and is exploring jobs in the healthcare field.
David, son of Mr. and Mrs. David O’Brien, was nominated for demonstrating great effort and responsibility with his learning. He maintains a positive attitude while working through assignments. Outside of school, David likes to help his neighbors with mowing lawns and painting projects. He enjoys traveling and learning about other cultures. David’s graduation goal is to go into the medical field in some capacity. He is still deciding, but is considering ultrasound or radiology tech, and he really loves emergency medicine.
Pooja, daughter of Ms. Anne Fitzsimmons and Ms. Barbara Capozzola, was nominated for working very hard in school. The hybrid schedule is not easy, but she has been keeping up really well. She uses all her resources to stay up on top of her work. Here at Maple Hill, Pooja is a member of art club and enjoys learning Spanish as it comes easy to her. After graduation, Pooja is attending Hudson Valley Community College and is majoring in liberal arts.
Alexis, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Tedford, was nominated for always being friendly and respectful when having interactions with her peers and adults. She takes AP classes, participates in multiple sports and is just an all-around great student. Here at Maple Hill over the years, Alexis has played basketball, soccer, softball, and has been a member of National Honor Society, Prom Committee and Key Club. After graduation, Alexis’ is attending Drake University to pursue a career in Pharmacy.
Lillian , daughter of Mr. Jason Grant and Ms. Jaime Mangiardi , was nominated for doing very well this marking period. She participates in class, always turns camera on when asked, and she has motivated herself to keep up with her work all year even as a full time remote student. Here at Maple Hill, Lillian is a member of the soccer team, she also plays soccer outside of school. Lillian’s graduation goal is to attend college to become an interior designer.
The faculty and staff wish to congratulate these students on being selected fourth quarter students for their respective grades.