Dear CES Families,
The Schodack Central School District is committed to providing the best possible learning experience for our students. As part of our reopening plan, we continue to monitor, evaluate and make changes to our learning models, as needed. We have surveyed and engaged our faculty and community regarding the opening of school and the learning models that we have implemented. After careful consideration and planning, we will be making changes that impact grades 4-6. Throughout this process, health and safety have remained our number one priority for our students, faculty, staff and community.
Our goal is to bring all of our hybrid students in grades 4-6 back to in-person learning five days a week, while adhering to our safety guidelines and keeping students socially distant. In order to accomplish this, we had to explore alternative spaces and locations throughout the district. Our plan is to repurpose space at CES to accommodate grades 4 and 5 students and move our grade 6 students and teachers to the Jr/Sr. High School. Please know that we may need to adjust homeroom assignments to accommodate these changes. Families will be notified in advance if there is a change in homeroom.
On December 7th, students in grades 4-6 will return to in-person learning five days a week. Students in grades 4 and 5 will follow their normal arrival and dismissal routine at CES. Students in grade 6 will begin in-person learning at the Jr./Sr. High School. Please note that the start and end times will adjust to fit the Jr./Sr. High School schedule. Detailed arrival and dismissal information can be found on the reverse side of this letter.
These changes will have minimal impact on pick-up and drop off times for K-5 students that ride the bus. Transportation will be in contact with our 6th grade families to make them aware of their new pick-up and drop off times along with any change to bus number, as well.
We recognize that you may have questions regarding a return to in-person learning and the change in school building for grade 6. We would like to invite our Grade 4-6 school community to attend virtual informational meetings with our Superintendent and Principals as follows:
Grades 4-5: Monday, Nov. 23 (6-7 p.m.) – LINK TO VIRTUAL MEET
Grade 6: Monday, Nov. 23 (7-8 p.m.) – LINK TO VIRTUAL MEET
As always, please call the main office if you have any questions.
James L. Derby Keri Rosher
Principal Assistant Principal
Grades 4-5 Arrival/Dismissal at CES (No change)
Arrival: Monday – Friday, 8:30am – 8:45am
Dismissal: Monday – Friday, 2:45pm – 3:00pm
Grade 6 Arrival/Dismissal Schedule at the Jr./Sr. High School
Arrival: Monday/Tuesday, Thursday/Friday, 7:20am – 7:50am
Parent drop off: (Last name A-J 7:25-7:33, last name K-Z 7:33-7:40)
Bus Drop off at building: 7:35-7:45
Dismissal: Monday/Tuesday, Thursday/Friday, 2:25pm
Parent Pick up: (Last name A-J 2:25-2:30, Last name K-Z 2:35-2:40)
Bus Pick up: 2:25-2:35
Wednesday: Arrival: 7:25-7:40 (Last name A-J 7:25-7:33, last name K-Z 7:33-7:40)
Parent Pick up: All students 11:40-11:45