Q: How do I access my schedule?
A: Schedules are available on both the student and parent portals under the Schedule tab.
Q: How do I read my schedule?
A: When viewing your schedule, A days are Monday/Thursday; B days are Tuesday/Friday and C days are Wednesday. For A and B day classes you will see the period (1-5) that you have your class. Your C day classes are your Wednesday check-ins with teachers. The C day period represents the days (MT = Monday/Thursday; TF = Tuesday/Friday) and the period that your full class meets. See below for class times. Students assigned Curriculum Support will have this class on Wednesday. If your room number indicates “Remote” this is a class you are taking from home. You will see your lunch period indicated as 3A, 3B, 3C or 3D. All students have a Study Block opposite their lunch. Students will receive a paper copy of their schedule on the first day of in-person classes. These schedules will indicate the actual times of classes including times for the Wednesday check-in classes to make it easier to follow. Please note the room number for Period 1 of your first in-person day class. This is where you should go on the first day that you are scheduled to be in school to pick up your schedule.
Q: My remote days seem like they have a lot of blanks?
A: For now, you will see blanks, when you are in-person, your teachers will help explain how to use this time productively. It is not “free time”. Though you are not scheduled for classes during that time, you will have work that needs to be completed for your classes. Your classes all meet for two 1-hour blocks a week for every class. Most of your classes will have about 30-60 minutes of additional independent work to complete for those classes on your remote days.
Q: Can I change my classes?
A: In a traditional school year we have more flexibility for adding and dropping courses. This year, it is very likely that we will not be able to change your course schedule and accommodate changes. We are keeping students in small cohorts and classes are scheduled based on those cohort sizes. You can reach out to your guidance counselor with questions, but please know that it may not be a possibility.
Q: Can I change my days based on where my friend groups are?
A: No, days will not be changed due to cohorts already being established and many other factors that have gone into the planning.
Q: What does arrival look like?
A: Before you come to school, your parents or guardians should complete a health screening. If they do not do so, you will need to be screened before entering the building. When you arrive, whether by car or bus, you will be stopped to check if your screening was completed before being allowed to enter the building.
Q: When do I wear my mask?
A: You will wear your mask from the moment you step out of the car or bus throughout the day. When in lunch, you will be allowed to remove your mask to eat after you are seated. But any time you get up, your mask will go back on.
Q: What does dismissal look like?
A: Students will be dismissed in groups to avoid traffic in the hallways. This will make more sense when you are here to see it in person!
Q: Speaking of hallways, how do we get from class to class?
A: While most of you will stay in the same room throughout the day, there are times when you will need to move, such as when going to science class or lunch, or for upperclassmen, occasionally for other classes. There is a yellow tape running through the hallways that requires you to stay to the right when walking. You need to maintain a 6ft distance from others in the hallway when possible. (You should be able to reach your arms out and still have space before touching another person). There will be reminders throughout the building about this.
Q: What is the schedule of classes? **There will be bells to help guide you!
A: Arrival process: Parent drop off/Student Drivers: 7:25-7:40 (Last name A-J 7:25-7:33, last name K-Z (7:33-7:40), Bus Drop off at building: 7:35-7:45
(7:50-8:50) Block 1
(8:50-8:55) Staggered hall movement
(8:55-9:55) Block 2
(9:55-10:00) Staggered Hall movement
(10:00-10:30) 3A Lunch (in the cafeteria)
(10:30-10:35) Staggered Hall movement
(10:35-11:05) Study Block (may include band lessons)
(11:05-11:10) Staggered Hall movement
(11:10-12:15) Block 3 Class
(10:00-10:30) Study Block (may include band lessons)
(10:30-10:35) Staggered Hall movement
(10:35-11:05) 3B Lunch (in the gymnasium)
(11:05-11:10) Staggered Hall movement
(11:10-12:15) Block 3 Class
(10:00-11:05) Block 3 Class
(11:05-11:10) Staggered Hall movement
(11:10-11:40) 3C Lunch(in the cafeteria)
(11:40-11:45) Staggered Hall movement
(11:45-12:15) Study Block
(10:00-11:05) Block 3 Class
(11:05-11:10) Staggered Hall movement
(11:10-11:40) Study Block
(11:40-11:45) Staggered Hall movement
(11:45-12:15) 3 DLunch(in the gymnasium)
(12:15-12:20) Staggered Hall movement
(12:20-1:20) Block 4
(1:20-1:25) Staggered Hall movement
(1:25-2:25) Block 5
(2:25-2:50) DISMISSAL PROCESS (staggered)
Q: What will my day look like when remote learning/in person?
A: You will have classes scheduled throughout your day. When you do not have a class scheduled, you will be completing independent work/homework for your classes. This is not free time. Attendance will be taken for all scheduled classes on both in-person and remote days.
Q: What will Wednesdays look like?
A: Wednesday schedule for students who are in-person will be curriculum support from 7:50-9:50 then you will be taken home on buses to complete your learning for the day. You will not check in with your general education classes during this time (your teachers will mark you present). When you arrive home, you will continue your school day by completing any additional school work you have.
For students remote learning, you will follow the schedule to have check-ins or google meets with your teachers. After the assigned times, you will continue to work on your independent work/homework assignments for all classes.
Monday/Thursday Block 1 7:50-8:05
Monday/Thursday Block 2 8:10-8:25
BREAK 8:25-8:45
Monday/Thursday Block 3 8:45-9:00
Monday/Thursday Block 4 9:05-9:20
Monday/Thursday Block 5 9:25-9:40
BREAK 9:40-10:00
Tuesday/Friday Block 1 10:00-10:15
Tuesday/Friday Block 2 10:20-10:35
Tuesday/Friday Block 3 10:40-10:55
BREAK 10:55-11:15
Tuesday/Friday Block 4 11:15-11:30
Tuesday/Friday Block 5 11:35-11:50