Maple Hill Jr./Sr. High School is proud to announce Students of the 4th Quarter. The award recognizes outstanding achievements, service to the school or community, or significant improvement in school.
- 7th – Gabriel Flood
- 8th – Liam Nevins
- Freshman – Jaeden Smith
- Sophomore – Hannah Ramm
- Junior – Skyler Misiaszek
- Senior – Emersyn Ferreira
Gabriel was nominated for getting his work done and staying on Google Meets so that he can help his classmates. Gabe enjoys playing basketball in the winter and baseball and golf in the spring. He also practices Tae Kwon Do all year around. Gabe plans to be an Electrical or Computer Engineer.
Liam was nominated for doing really well with distance learning. Liam has been more focused with his studies and has been looking into class topics in more depth. He enjoys skiing with his friends at Ski Club. Liam is thinking he may be a Chemist or an Engineer.
Jaeden was nominated for working extremely hard since we have gone to remote learning. He has been completing assignments for his classes on a consistent basis, and is almost always one of the first students to turn his work in. Jaeden enjoys swimming, playing Xbox and design drawing. Jaeden would like to be a Computer Programmer in the future.
Hannah was nominated for working very hard during our period of remote learning. She enjoys Art Club, SADD, GSA, and drawing in her free time. Hannah is going to attend Cosmetology School in the future.
Skyler was nominated for being a leader in class discussions and projects and she wants to learn for learning’s sake. Her favorite sport here at school is Cross Country and she loves to track. At this time, Skyler is undecided about her future plans.
Emersyn was nominated for being a determined student and always gives her best effort. Her favorite clubs and activities here at Maple Hill are Ski Club and volleyball. Emersyn is planning to go into Environmental Studies and Policy at Champlain College.
The faculty and staff wish to congratulate these students on being selected fourth quarter students for their respective grades.