Dear Parents/Guardians,
Each year, sixth grade students take a mathematics problem-solving assessment to help predict aptitude and readiness for algebra courses at the Jr/Sr High School. This assessment, called the CogAT (Cognitive Abilities Test), consists of three separate batteries which assess verbal, quantitative and nonverbal reasoning skills. The results are one of the measures we use to determine student readiness for an accelerated mathematics course of study beginning in 7th grade.
Typically this assessment would have been administered at school during the normal school day. Unfortunately, there was nothing typical about this year. We hope to be able to administer the exam sometime in July, however, we are still waiting for guidance from the state and county to allow us to safely bring students and staff back into the building for this type of activity.
The CogAT is not a requirement for entering 7th grade. If your child is interested in taking the CogAt when available, please complete the form using the link on our school website or type the link below into your web browser. In the meantime, if you have any questions, please feel free to contact Mr. Derby or Mrs. Rosher at CES, 518-732-7755.
CogAT Exam Form Link:
James L. Derby, Principal
Keri Rosher, Assistant Principal